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E-Juice Ingredients

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Today I want to talk about e-juice.

When making e-juice you want to use the best ingredients available. If you use artificial flavors, well...it's going to taste artificial. I relate making e-juice to cooking and baking because the end product is all about taste and because cooking and baking is something that I am experienced in. When I find a recipe that I want to prepare I may add this and delete that to my personal taste and also to make it my own. If I were to make cookies for instance, I would use the best quality ingredients possible, for example I would use butter rather than margarine, (who wouldn't). I would also use real sugar instead of artificial sweetener, real whole eggs instead powdered eggs, and you get the picture. I figure if I am going to go through the effort, I want it to taste the best even if I only eat 1, and I love it when people tell me that it's the best cookie they ever had! See how this relates to e-juice? I know everyone has different opinions on what tastes good or bad and thank goodness or it would be rather boring. If an e-juice is called apple pie customers are thinking of an apple pie their grandmother or mother made from scratch or just a great tasting pie and sadly they are disappointed when they get an e-juice that tastes nothing like the real thing. That is why you want to use the most natural flavors available instead of artificial flavors. True flavor extracts are made from real food and MadTown Vapor does the best to use them. Flavor concentrates are mixed with a PG base and have artificial flavoring. There are some flavors everyone loves and there is no getting around it, you have to use an artificial flavoring. If it is a good quality flavor you can tell the difference.

I had a call yesterday asking if we use dactyl a flavor used to create a butter taste known to cause popcorn lung. I assured him that we do NOT use it in our e-juice. Remember when there was that big controversy over the microwave popcorn that contained butter flavoring? Pretty scary stuff. We don't use any FD&C or blue 1.either.

When you are judging an e-juice please don't judge after just brushing your teeth or chewing gum. This affects the taste greatly. There are some e-juices out there that are pretty outlandish. I couldn't believe it when I read that a vendor had an e-juice that was called jalapeno! Now come on.... my husband loves jalapeno's and the hotter the better but I somehow can't imagine him vaping it. Then again, each his own. Different smokes for different folks. We are in the process of perfecting some really great e-juices so please check in often as we will be adding them real soon.

Should you steep or not steep? This is really a difficult question we get asked every day. To be honest, I am always so eager to try a new juice so I try it right after it is made and then again after a few days. I can taste the flavors really come through after a couple of days and I tell people to try it as soon as they get it and then again a few days later and judge by that. By the time you receive your e-juice it has already had a few days to steep.The menthol or ice flavors need a couple of days to steep because they are really strong right away and they need to mellow out a bit. This is all just my opinion and I would like to hear from others on the subject.

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear your thoughts. Enjoy your e-Cigs everyone and please keep them out of children’s reach.

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