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Cinco de Mayo on Monday May 5, 2014

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From Cesar M Melgoza - Geoscape

Cinco de Mayo: A New American holiday. Long misunderstood, Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that is increasingly American. Yes, that’s right. The history of this holiday is in Mexico, but the future of this holiday is north of the border.

The anniversary of the "Battle of Puebla" on May 5, 1862 commemorates the pride and valor of the Mexican people in response to aggression of a better - equipped and much larger force from France led by Napoleon the third. Under the leadership of General Inacio Zaragoza Sequin who served under Mexico's only fully indigenous President, Benito Juarez, the Mexican army defeated a "superior" enemy, who was demanding unreasonable territorial occupation and influence.

Cinco de Mayo is not widely celebrated in Mexico, yet during the post-civil rights era in Southwestern United States, high school and college students of Mexican origin (sometimes referred to as Chicanos") sought and found a source of pride in their heritage offend feeling unwelcome in the US and in Mexico. Some confuse the holiday with Mexico independence from Spain- which was secured on the 16th of September 1810 and is celebrated by Mexican citizens living in Mexico. Mexicans North of the boarder, Mexican Americans feel little need to celebrate independence from Spain and often are ambivalent in their patriotism towards Mexico. In fact, most US residents of Mexican origin fled their home country in search of a lifestyle that their home country could not make available to them. Despite the history of racism and unequal treatment in the U.S., America is much more of a meritocracy than Mexico has ever been. Mexican migrants (legal and illegal) struggle for the American dream and frequently find it, or at the very least find gainful employment to provide for their families and hope for the long-term well-being of their loved ones. So on May 5th, I suggest that you join us in celebrating a unique American holiday where you can enjoy the fine food, drink, music and courage of which Mexican Americans are so proud. iA tu Salu`d !

You may want to vape some of our e-juice's that go with Mexican festivities such as -- Alota Horchata , Kathy's key lime (my favorite), or key lime cheesecake(one of our best sellers).

We are going to have a feast: Carne asada and all the sides, Margaritas, and Pastel de Tres Leches (three milk cake) with strawberries.

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