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Sharing a Customer Review/ Juice Give Away

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So we decided that this week we would share a customers review on some of the new juices at Mad Town. To be honest he nailed it right on the head. So with his permission, here is what he thinks about the following new flavors.

Strawberry Custard: I was really hoping Dino would come up with something like this, as I really enjoy Strawberry Blonde by CRFT but with my unique shipping status it can be hard to get ahold of at a reasonable price. THIS.....answers the mail. The strawberry is up front but not overpowering, with the custard note coming on the exhale and throat hit. It's smooth, sweet, and creamy, and is an instant classic in the dessert vape category.

Cinnamon Tease: Oh man. I used to loooooooove me some Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal back in the day when my metabolism allowed for such gluttony, and this brings me back to those wonderful skinny days. The flavor profile is dead-on: you get the churro-esque fried dough quality with the cinnamon/sugar dusting on top, and - it might be wishful nostalgia - but I think I get a slight milk note on the exhale like I'm on the last few bites about to drink that delicious, decadent, cinnamon/sweet milk. Love it. LOVE IT.

Cola: Once again Dino>CRFT. They (CRFT) have a Lime Cola flavor I like because I love cola, and they're the first company I found that captured the flavor profile and "fizziness" even close to reality. Dino, of course, went one better and made a pitch-perfect glass of <insert brand name cola here> in vapor form. I bought this in the 30ml bottle on faith, and I'm not disappointed. This one will be in heavy "walking around town" rotation. Instant classic.

Strawberry Short Cake: Because why not make yet another perfect strawberry dessert flavor - one cannot have too many! The cake notes in this one are spookily good; it's not a generic "pastry" or "dough" flavor, it's shortcake. Exactly shortcake. The strawberry and cream notes are perfectly balanced, as if Dino was serving up a homemade shortcake, perfectly ripe strawberries, and homemade cream in the perfect proportion. Like the Cola flavor, I bought this one in 30mL size on faith and, like the Cola, I'm glad I did. This one will be ever-ready to be loaded in a dripper or Kayfun and enjoyed with an espresso after a good meal while my dining companions eat unhealthy "real" desserts loaded with sugar and preservatives and other non-beach-body-enhancing additives. Another instant classic.

I have to say it - with every round of new liquids he comes out with, it seems like Dino's hand is growing ever-surer with the flavor mixes and proportions. He's becoming a wizard when it comes to e-liquid mixology, and I find myself torn. The epicurean in me eagerly awaits every new delight, while the practical side of me groans inwardly at the thought of how much I *want* to spend on his website.

Thank you for the detail and the awesome review!!!

I'm still going to do the Kanger Sub Tank review but I'm going to wait until next week to do it. I want to mess around with the rebuildable coil before I give my final thoughts on it.

***Sunday 01/25/2015 starting at 11am we are having a customer appreciation day/open house. There will be food and drinks, and some raffles! Mad Town Vapor will be giving away some nice gear!!! Stop down and hang out for awhile, eat some food and check out the juices!

And here we go again! We are giving away another 30 ml bottle of juice. As always post the flavor and blend that you would like and you will be entered (one entry per person). This is not required to be entered, but feel free to tell us what new gear you would like to see Mad Town Vapor carry. The winner will be announced Tueasday at 6pm.

Megan Harris is this weeks juice winner!!! Congrats! Megan please email Dino@madtownvap.com with your shipping information. 

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