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SMY 260

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Well it is here, the SMY 260. They are selling like hot cakes! I picked one up and I've been using it for a little over a week now. I think SMY did a really good job with this mod. It has several features the GOD 180 did not have. It also lacks a feature the God 180 had that I really liked, but I'll touch on that later.

The new features that the 260 has that the God 180 was missing are as follows:

- You do not need to shut the 260 off every time you want to put it in your coat pocket for example. After a specified amount of time (user defined) the 260 will auto lock itself,or the 260 can be locked/unlocked by pressing the + and - buttons on the front simultaneously. I have a love hate relationship with this feature. I like the fact that I can lock and unlock the buttons on it. I forget that it goes to sleep on its own sometimes (grrrr). I'm so used to the God 180 that I end up hitting the fire button sometimes and nothing happens because I didn't unlock the mod. I'll get used to it and it isn't a deal breaker to be honest.

- The 260 can handle a build at .3 ohms running 260 watts! The God 180 could only go down to a .5 ohm build. Now what makes me a little happier about the 260 is that I can pull off a .25 ohm build if I want to (not recommended). I generally set my coils up at .3 or .4 ohms and I've enjoyed the vape that I get from it. You get a little more flexibility from the 260 versus the God 180, which is nice.

- The 260 comes with a USB charging port... Yep you can charge your three 18650 batteries via your USB cord and wall charger, but it will take longer than normal to charge them. If you already have a standard charger for your 18650's skip the USB charging.

-The 260 comes with a magnetic back plate (battery cover) I think this is pretty cool. Just slide it off pull your batteries out, charge them over night. Drop them in the next morning and away you go. It is kind of nice not having to mess around with a screw driver and tiny screws if you are running late for work as an example. I still use the screws though.

Overall, I think the 260 is a far better unit than the God 180. The 260 is just a hair bigger than the God 180, but it is sleek and smooth looking. You have a little more flexibility with your builds, and you certainly have more power at your disposal should you want/need it. I like the carbon fiber back plate also. I kind of wish SMY would have done the same thing with the front of the mod, but oh well. A big thing that I wish SMY would have incorporated with the 260 is the built in beauty ring that the God 180 comes with. The 260 has one but it is small and once raised it doesn't really fit your traditional RDA's that have longer threads. It will provide stability for them, but aesthetically it might be off.

I'm currently using a Mutation X V2 Clone on my 260 box and I'm enjoying it! The cloud production is nice and the flavor isn't half bad either. I run between 80 and 100 watts at .4 ohms and have zero complaints.

Next week, I'll be talking about the Kanger Sub Tank! I'm looking forward to testing this bad boy out. Also there will be some new flavors joining the Mad Town line up, stay tuned!!

We are giving away another 30 ml bottle of juice this week. Just tell us the flavor and blend you want and you are entered. The winner will announced Monday, January 19th at 6pm. One entry per person please. :)

Good luck!!

Amber Kyli Young is this weeks winner of a 30 ml bottle of juice!! Congrats!

Amber, please email dino@madtownvap.com with your address.

Thank you all for participating. Stay tuned, we will be giving away more juice next week :)

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