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The Aspire Atlantis

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I have been using the Orchid V3/V4 clones for awhile now and I swore by them. I loved the fact that I could build my own coils,toss some juice in it and go. It was perfect for work, where dripping wasn't really an option for me. The vape/ flavor was pretty good, I had zero complaints. They (The Orchid) didn't give me the same vape experience as a Dark Horse would, but they got the job done for sure during my work week. Now with that being said.... Aspire did a damn good job with the Atlantis!!!! I haven't touched my Orchid clones since I picked up the Atlantis!

First glance, the Atlantis comes with two proprietary coils (0.5 ohms!) and two glass tanks.(if you break one you have a backup), that made it easier to swallow the cost. I was still arguing for the Orchid though, because I could build my coils on the Orchid and tailor it to my liking. Boy, was I wrong!

The Atlantis is just better and here is why:

1. I've used it for three weeks straight now as my everyday "go to" I haven't had a single issue with leaking, which is huge for me while I'm at work.

2. @ 30 watts (50 watts gave me a dry hit using a max VG blend juice) I've been able to get 2,500+ puffs out of the first coil and I'm still trying to burn the first coil out.

3. The flavor/cloud production is amazing! It can rival some drippers.

4. The Atlantis has four airflow adjustments. The Orchid has zero airflow adjustments! (I leave mine wide open and love it but that is just personal preference)

The vapor and flavor that the Atlantis puts out is second to none when it comes to "tanks" I absolutely love mine! I was a little taken back at the cost of the coils at first, but if all I have to spend is $4.20 per coil and that coil will last me three or four weeks, then in my mind I'm money ahead. For those of you who want to upgrade from a Kanger tank and want more flavor and/or better clouds, but do not want to spend the time building your own coils. The Atlantis is the way to go!! I just want to say make sure your mod can handle the Atlantis coil (sub ohm) before you buy it.

For those of you who build your own coils/drip/use a Kayfun or Russian or even an Orchid, I would still recommend picking up the Aspire Atlantis! 

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