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Where are e-cigarettes allowed?

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Where can e-cigarette vapors smoke and not smoke in public places? That is a big question that doesn't have any clear answers. According to the Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association, which represents the E-cigarette makers, have been able to capture

10% to 14% of the 44 million tobacco user’s in 2013 of the US. (I wonder what the percentages are so far for 2014.)

Where can travelers smoke E-cigarettes is still not clear? Bill Mosley , a spokesman for the Dept. Of Transportation says the currant ban on smoking on planes applies to E- cigarettes, though it does not explicitly say so. (What does that mean?) To clear up the confusion, in September 2011, the department proposed an amendment to explicitly ban E-cigarettes. The final rule was expected by the end of 2013. (Haven’t heard the final rule yet) Passengers who fail to comply with the no smoking ban can currently be fined between $1,100 and $11,000 by the federal aviation administration. (Pretty broad range)

Airports and hotels are generally on their own when deciding how to deal with E-cigarettes. Hotels in recent years have been more aggressive in getting rid of smoking rooms and public spaces on their properties. Wyndham Hotel Group, for example, has not made any changes to smoking polices but will continue to monitor the trend as it emerges.

After I quit smoking cigarettes and started vaping E-cigarettes, I wouldn't want to stay in a tobacco smoking hotel room.

What would a hotel room that allowed E- cigarettes smell like? Bubble gum, horchata, or peppermint? I think a lot of the air fresheners now days have fruity, and food like smells of fresh baked cookies and pastries. I really don't think any of the vapors from E-cigarettes would offend anyone as much as strong perfume and some cleaning products.

I think that if people were allowed to use their e-cigarettes on planes for long flights it would eliminate agitated customers. Just recently an executive of a large company slapped a crying child, he also had a few to many cocktails as well. He lost his job now (good) and the mother of the child is suing him.

I know that you cannot smoke cigarettes on any of the beaches in California, which I can see because of the cigarette butts, but what about e-cigarettes? I don't see any reason why not. I had a customer in California that got pulled over for holding his hand out the window with a cigarette in it. The LE officer asked him to open his ashtray, which he complied and it was clean and held a bunch of coins. The officer told him that had he seen a dirty ashtray he would have given him only a warning instead of a ticket. Everybody knows how dangerous it is in CA, to throw a lit cigarette out the window. I would think e-cigarettes would be a welcome change for CA.

Where do they allow e-cigarettes in your neck of the woods? How do they go about enforcing a ban on e-cigarettes? I can't see them giving a ticket for vaping when they don't have any yet. 

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