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News Blog - Keep that smile longer and brighter with E-cigarettes.

Keep that smile longer and brighter with E-cigarettes.

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As a smoker, one of the biggest positive changes you can make to safeguard your smile is to stop smoking cigarettes that leave behind yellow teeth stains, and replace them with e-cigs instead. In addition to a host of other health issues, smokers routinely suffer from a range of dental problems, including:

1) Tooth loss

2) Yellow stains

3) Plague buildup

4) Bad breath

5) Gum related infections

6) Mouth and oral cancers

And a host of other risks. Dental experts estimate that, on average, male smokers lose almost 3 teeth every 10 yrs. because of traditional cigarettes, and women half that number. While tooth loss is a natural result of aging in non-smokers as well, the rate at which your teeth will fall out is double that of a non-smoker. Just do the math and you will find that if you started smoking in your teens or early twenties, then by the time your middle aged you would have lost 5 to 6 teeth - much too young to have lost that many teeth already.

The tar and ash from cigarette smoke also causes residue and plague to accumulate on the surface of your teeth and in your mouths crevices, which causes tooth discoloration and calculus build-up in the long term. This is why a dentist can spot a smoker immediately.

If the yellow teeth stains don't give a smoker away, then the bad breath will. Cigarette smoke is laden with chemicals which are not only carcinogenic, but also stick to the lining of the mouth and emit a putrid odor. This can lead to halitosis, or chronic bad breath, which is the third most frequent reason people seek out dental care, behind tooth decay and gum disease.

E-smoking is an obvious choice for a long list of reasons, one of which being health and look of your teeth. WHY? 1) No yellow teeth. The tar released from cigarettes is the "smoking gun" behind tooth yellowing and discoloration. Fortunately e- cigs emit no tar whatsoever. 2) No odor, e-smoking leaves behind no smoke or lingering odor. People who use e-cigs don't have to be ashamed of opening their mouth because of that infamous "smokers breath". 3) No combustion- cigarettes deliver nicotine through the process of combustion, or by burning tobacco. This releases harmful and irritating smoke. E- Cigs on the other hand, vaporize liquid nicotine which is exhaled as harmless water vapor.

Article from E-Cigarette knowledge center.

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